Complexity Didn't Stop 2015 From Being a Record Year For M&A Volume.
With over $4.7 trillion in announced deals, 2015 was a record year for M&A. An article in the New York Times' DealBook discussed how...

Micro-Cap Acquisition Financing: Seller Financing Makes Any Acquisition Possible
While there are a number of ways micro-cap issuers can finance acquisitions, seller financing is a tool that is often forgotten or...

Q4 2015 OTC Graduates
Listed below are companies that graduated from the OTC markets to a senior exchange in Q4 2015. 13 companies uplisted this quarter....

OTC Acquirers -- December 2015
Below is a list of OTC companies that were working on acquisitions in December of 2015. Even with the holidays slowing down M&A activity,...

OTC Acquirers -- November 2015
Below is a list of OTC companies that were working on acquisitions in November of 2015. Even with Thanksgiving slowing down acquisitions...

In M&A and Poker the Goal is to Make 1+1=3
In a Huffington Post Business Blog, Brandeis University professor Ben Gomes-Casseres discusses what the “players” in M&A transactions...

OTC Acquirers - October 2015
Below is a list of OTC companies that were working on acquisitions in October of 2015. Over 50 OTC QX, QB, and PINK issuers were busy...

Why are YOU public?
CFO.com recently published a short article by Mark Kwilosz, CFA, of Duff & Phelps, LLC in which the author posed the question: "Should...

OTC Acquirers - September 2015
Below is a list of OTC companies that were working on acquisitions in September of 2015. Over 50 OTC QX, QB, and PINK issuers were busy...

Why Build when YOU CAN BUY?
Noah Rosenfarb of Divestopedia sits down with John Bly, author of "Cracking the Code: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Growing Your Business...