Skip the Start-up and Get Down to Business
Recently, the NY Times published an article about entrepreneurs who want a path that's "not as risky as a start-up, [and] not as safe as...

OTC Acquirers - August 2015
​ Below is a list of OTC companies that were working on acquisitions in August of 2015. Highlights include; CRH Medical closing an...

OTC Acquirers - July 2015
AVEW Holdings, Inc. (OTCPINK: AVEW) July 1, 2015 -- "AVEW HOLDINGS INC. Finalizing Acquisition of Pegasus Construction, LLC"...

OTC Acquirers - June 2015
Highlighted below are some of the acquisitions OTC companies were working on in June. June 2015 OTC Market Acquirers American Hotel...

OTC Acquirers - May 2015
Highlighted below are some of the acquisitions OTC companies were working on in May. May 2015 OTC Market Acquirers Bayport International...

Goldman Sachs: "What managements should do with their cash (M&A) and what they will do (buy
U.S. equities have been surging and many large cap issuers have been rushing to buyback stock, at already high valuations. While buybacks...

OTC Acquirers - April 2015
The below OTC issuers were working on acquisitions in April. April 2015 OTC Market Acquirers Royale Globe Holding Inc. (OTCQB: ROGB)...

Q1 2015 OTC Graduates
Highlighted below are companies that uplisted, from the OTC Markets to the NASDAQ or NYSE Mkt, in the first quarter of 2015. Please note...

OTC Acquirers - March 2015
The below OTC issuers were working on acquisitions in March. March 2015 OTC Markets Acquirers Orgenesis, Inc. (OTCQB: ORGS) March 9,...